About this store

In 2013 I started this farm to produce the healthiest food possible for my family. The products in this store are special because they were not made to make a profit, they were made to be ridiculously high quality - every ingredient in every product was grown and processed onsite with care. This store is simply the surplus food we don’t use each year. - Tom

Hot Sauce

Hot Sauce

Powdered cinnamon

Powdered cinnamon

Guyabana jelly

Guyabana jelly

Powdered Turmeric

Powdered Turmeric

Banana vinegar

Banana vinegar

Chocolate bar

Chocolate bar

Powdered ginger

Powdered ginger

Cinnamon sticks

Cinnamon sticks

Banana powder

Banana powder

Cold brew coffee

Cold brew coffee

Our Food Production Philosophy

1)  Soil is the foundation of human health – our focus is primarily on the health and vitality of our soils. Good soils maximize the health of our trees and plants and therefore maximizing the mineral content of the food we eat. (video explaining this in greater detail)

2) Weston A. Price – we agree with the Weston A. Price Foundation’s food philosophy that even the most foods need fermenting, soaking, and sprouting maximize their human value. (each product has a video showing how we prepare each ingredient)

3) Every ingredient in every product is made by hand from food grown at the farm - consequently, we do not have preservatives, coagulants, pasteurizers, homoginizers, flavor enhancers, synthetic flavors, pesticide residue, or GMOs in any of our products. Be prepared to see ingredients separate after a time.

4) Not Organic or Fair Trade Certified – organic and the other certifications drive up the cost of food products and have too many loop holes to meet our standards.

5) Supply Chain of One – The solution to untrustworthy sellers, opaque supply chains and deceptive certifications is crowd sourced certification via hundreds or thousands of independent people visiting the farm and writing about their experience.  Therefore, it is free for anyone to visit our farm, any day of the year.  We even have comfortable guest rooms available for rent to help facilitate farm tours and inspections.

6) Seasonal availability – whatever surplus comes from the farm we transform into products and sell.  Once the products are sold out, they are unavailable until the following year.


7) Limited runs – all of our products come in very low quantities because our 40 acre farm is mostly dedicated to regrowing a native rainforest and because our food producing area is setup to produce a balanced diet for our family – we will never have a huge amount of any one product, but we do have many different products available as food ripens throughout the year.


8) No fancy labels – we love great design, but in our effort to produce world class quality food at a fair price we have forgone the expense of packaging design because the very low volume of each of our many products would drive up costs.


9) Handmade – we love the power and scale machines offer, but at our small scale and pursuit of the highest quality, the use of machines is not worth the investment and they would also lower the quality.  Hand picking ripe food and carefully.

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About our soils

I have been reading and expiramenting with the most ideal soil amendments for our tropical clay soils. Below is the current strategy that works the best for us. I hope to made detailed videos about each amendment in the future to explain how we make each amendment and how it works with the others and the soil to create super healthy plants.

Charcoal (soil structuring and support for soil microbes)

Cow manure (basic fertilizer) 

Bokashi spray (beneficial bacteria/fungai)

Rock dust (minerals)

Rice hulls (Mulch)

New Products Coming soon:

Curcurmin infused mango gummies

vanilla beans

vanilla extract

Guyabana jelly

Jocote syrup

Banana chips

Ginger candy

All Spice (powdered)


Panama nuts

Turmeric tea bags

Baked pork skins

Banana powder

Golden milk

Corporate gift box